NSLA Ceremony Assistance Fund


The Ceremony Assistance Fund aims to help cover NSLA event expenses for organizers in cases where those costs would otherwise form a barrier to participation.

Before applying, organizers are expected to exhaust local options such as organization, school or school board funding, community fundraising, and requesting donation of services.

The fund is primarily focused on costs for student transportation to and from the event, but other expenses will be considered and may be funded if they are deemed critical to the event’s success.

Application Requirements

Applicants to the Ceremony Assistance Fund must:

  • Be registered for an out of school NSLA ceremony in the current calendar year.
    Not registered yet? Get started here.

  • Exhaust organizational, school or board-funded options first

  • Consider fundraising or request donation of services where feasible

How to Apply

Fill out and submit the application form at the link below. 

Our funding committee will review all applications to determine whether applicants meet the criteria, and to decide the value of any award. Funds are subject to availability, so not every application meeting the requirements shall be approved or shall receive the full amount requested. Decisions will be communicated within 15 days of application.